Legal information about BCI Senegal

Site editing

This site is published by Banque pour le Commerce et l'Industrie - SENEGAL, abbreviated BCI- SENEGAL, branch of Banque pour le Commerce et l'Industrie du Mali, Société Anonyme with capital of Fifteen billion (15,000,000,000) F CFA - Approval no. 012219/MEF/DMC dated November 11, 2013, registered with the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register of Dakar (the "RCCM") under number SN-DKR-2013-E-6332, having its head office at 15 Boulevard de la République, BP 11243 Dakar, tel. (221) 33 822 37 37. Fax (221) 33 822 11 63, Website:

Contact: (221) 33 822 37 37 /

This site is subject to the laws in force in the Republic of Senegal.

BCI-SENEGAL is a Senegalese-registered credit institution approved by Order No. 012219/MEF/DMC dated November 11, 2013 of the Minister of Economy and Finance, and under the prudential supervision of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO).

BCI-SENEGAL has also been approved by the Commission Bancaire, pursuant to decision no. 722/CB/C , notifying authorization to set up a branch of Banque pour le Commerce et de l'Industrie du Mali (BCI- MALI) in Senegal.

In this capacity, it is authorized to carry out all types of banking transactions.

On liability

The information contained on the website is for information purposes only, and does not imply any legal commitment or contractual agreement on the part of BCI-SENEGAL, which reserves the right to modify its characteristics at any time. Access to the products and services presented on the site may be subject to restrictions for certain persons or in certain countries.