For individual customers

Cheque and bank transfer

To carry out your transactions at national level, BCI offers a wide range of payment methods, including :

  • Ordinary cheque: Also known as a "payment cheque", this is the most widely used means of payment.
  • Certified cheques: These are cheques that you can give to third parties and whose payment is guaranteed by the bank.
  • Bank/Electronic Transfer: This is a faster payment method that allows you to send money from your account to the account of the person of your choice.
  • Mobile payment with BCIPAY : easy cash withdrawals and deposits, seamless payments at shops and suppliers using your cell phone.

Money transfer

Would you like to receive or send money to family or friends in another city or abroad ? Pay your international bills ?

Whether you are a BCI customer or not, we give you the opportunity to send or receive money through Western Union for international transfers or through our “Availability” solution.

National level

We recommend the “Availability” solution for transferring money from one branch to another within the BCI-Mauritanie network.

This is a fast and secure way of transferring money throughout the BCI network. This service enables you to send or receive money in real time at any of the bank's branches.

International level

Thanks to the Western Union® network, you can carry out transactions in over 200 countries in real time. You can also track the status of your transactions in real time on the company's website.

To find out more, don't hesitate to contact us.

Our cards

With our BCI cards, whether you need cash in Mauritania or abroad, we have the payment methods you need.

Why choose a payment card?

  • Simple, secure payment of your expenses
  • Keep better track of your account on a day-to-day basis, thanks to a simple, secure online tool called “BCI-Net”.
  • Peace of mind when making payments anywhere in the world with your international VISA card
  • Contribute to the fight against global warming by limiting the use of paper for over-the-counter withdrawals.

National level: The GIMTEL card

If you're looking for a fast, reliable card that's available nationwide, GIMTEL is the ideal solution for you. To help you better manage your money, the GIMTEL card is accepted by nearly 200 ATMs in all major cities, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

These ATMs allow you to :

  • Withdraw money
  • View your account balance in real time
  • View your account statement

National and international: VISA card

Are you and your family traveling abroad and want to enjoy your money during your stay, without having to take the risk of carrying cash with you?

To meet your needs, BCI is expanding its range to include the VISA international payment card.

We provide you with a choice of three types of card to suit your needs:

  • VISA Prepaid
  • VISA Electron
  • VISA classic (VISA GOLD will soon be available).

Why choose a VISA card? Accepted by more than 24 million electronic payment terminals in 200 countries, the VISA payment card is the ideal way to access your money wherever you are.

But it can also be used to make online payments (hotel reservations, plane tickets, etc.) To get your card, contact your account manager.

Your investments

With BCI, your money never sleeps!

Do you have liquidity but no idea how to grow it?

Invest it with us!

BCI's interest-bearing savings account allows you to build up savings at your own pace.

To find out more, don't hesitate to contact us.

Our credits

Interested in earning a little extra cash? Buy a property, or even own your own home?

BCI offers you a wide range of loans which, depending on your needs, can include advances on your salary, consumer credit or property loans.

Advance on salary

To cope with temporary cash flow difficulties, BCI offers you an overdraft facility that allows your account to be in debit for a few days each month.

If your problems persist over time, the authorized overdraft requires a written agreement specifying the repayment terms.

Personal loan or consumer credit

Are you an employee looking for liquidity for a specific purchase or an unforeseen event?

BCI provides loans based on your monthly income.

All you need to do is send us your salary and/or any other document justifying your financial resources.

You may also be asked to provide other supporting documents if you wish to take out a mortgage.

For more information, visit your nearest branch.

Our day-to-day services

Other services are provided daily in our branches:

  • Cheque cashing and cash deposits
  • Account consultation with BCI-net
  • Buying and selling foreign currencies
  • Issuing and receiving international transfers
  • Other services, ...

Contact BCI Mauritania

  • 57, Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser,
    BP: 505, Nouakchott, Mauritania

  • [+222] 45 29 28 76

  • [+222] 45 29 28 77
