Products and Services for Business & Professionals

International services

Letter of credit

A documentary letter of credit is a signed undertaking by which the bank formally commits itself to a third party at the request of its customer. This promise requires no initial disbursement, except in the event of financial default by the principal debtor. This type of commitment can take two forms: simple irrevocable or irrevocable and confirmed.

How it works :

  • This is done for a specific amount and within a specific timeframe, provided that the documents comply with the credit terms and conditions.
  • Payment may be on demand, deferred, by acceptance, or by negotiation (on demand or forward),
  • The minimum duration is usually 3 months.

Advantages :

  • A secure, fast, efficient and internationally recognized payment method.
  • Guaranteed payment at maturity

Bank guarantees :

Bank guarantees are a simple way of easing your cash flow. This is a form of credit whereby BCI undertakes to stand in for its customer in the event of the latter's default, thereby guaranteeing the fulfillment of a payment obligation. This solution enables the customer to accelerate collection or relieve pressure on cash flow. By offering the possibility of deferring a disbursement or accelerating a cash inflow, this option offers numerous advantages.

Documentary discounts :

Offering simplicity and security, documentary remittance is a method by which an exporter entrusts his bank with documents, instructing it to collect them from the importer, and only return them to the latter under the specified conditions. This technique facilitates your international transactions by offering simplicity and security.

Swift transfer :

Swift is an international payment system for transferring funds between two accounts held at banks in different countries. This transaction method is recognized for its simplicity, speed and security, guaranteed by the use of SWIFT and IBAN codes that comply with international standards.

Our credits

Credits are financial solutions that bring together various facilities we make available to help you achieve your goals. Here are the different types of credit we offer:

Bank overdraft :

Under pre-established conditions agreed between the customer and his banker, your accounts may be in debit.

Redeemable loans :

This is a short- or medium-term loan that allows you to repay part of the capital and interest at each maturity date.

Islamic loan MOURABAHA :

Murabaha is a sales contract at cost price plus a known profit margin agreed between the bank and the customer. The bank buys the good (merchandise, recharge card ......) in cash from the supplier, and resells it at an increased price to the buyer (the customer).

Your investments

Term deposit :

An investment system available to any legal entity holding a current account with BCI, the term deposit enables you to grow your capital.

How it works :

  • It involves locking in funds at a fixed rate for a predefined period,
  • Interest is capitalized quarterly and paid into the current account.

Advantages :

  • A totally secure investment
  • Capital is guaranteed,
  • The rate of return is guaranteed and known at the time of subscription
  • Available capital (early repayment of the entire investment is possible at any time, subject to interest penalties prorated to the time spent)

Contact BCI Guinea

  • Avenue de la République, Sandervalia, Kaloum,
    BP : 359, Conakry, GUINEA

  • [+224] 628 68 75 19