Terms and conditions of use of the BCI Guinea website
1. Preamble
1.1. Presentation of the website owner
This website is the exclusive property of BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE & l'industrie-Guinée, Société Anonyme with a Board of Directors, with a share capital of Two Hundred Billion GNF (, registered with the Registre du Commerce RCCM: GC-KAL/034.718 A/2011, Agrément N 019, having its registered office at 6ème Avenue de la République, Sandervalia, Kaloum, Conakry.
Tel: +224 628 68 75 19. Email: infogn@bci-banque.com
1.2 Reserves for use
BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE ET L'INDUSTRIE de Guinée reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions of Use in whole or in part at any time, without prior notice, in order to adapt them to technological and regulatory developments or to market realities.
In the event of modification, the present General Conditions of Use are applicable and enforceable against the User until the new conditions are effective.
1.3 Commitments of the User
The user acknowledges that he/she has all the intellectual faculties, skills and knowledge necessary to access and use this Site responsibly. They also acknowledge that they are aware of any harmful consequences that may result from their actions or activities.
The user gives the Bank express and unconditional permission to canvass, collect, process, communicate, share and transfer his/her personal data. We will not be using cookies for the time being.
The User undertakes to comply strictly with the provisions set out below for the purposes of browsing this Site. By browsing the Site, the User releases the Bank from any liability in the event that he/she is subject to an administrative or legal measure prohibiting him/her from accessing such a site or, in general, from accessing the Internet.
The User expressly agrees not to reproduce by modification, copying, downloading, broadcasting, translation, arrangement, adaptation, transmission or by any other means or process, for the purposes of marketing or distribution by any means whatsoever, the data, services, images, information, codes or any other element of the Site.
The User formally refrains from taking any action that may result in a defect or failure in the computer security of the Site or its content, or in the disruption, irregular restriction or hindering of access to the Site. More generally, the User undertakes not to take any action that could impair the normal operation of the Site.
2. Glossary
For the avoidance of doubt, all words and expressions used in these Terms of Use are capitalized and are to be understood in accordance with the meaning and scope set forth below.
Any term hereinafter capitalized shall have the exclusive meaning given to it by its definition in the present article.
"General Conditions of Use" abbreviated to "GCU": refers to the present document.
"Site": refers to the institutional site of La BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE ET L'INDUSTRIE de Guinée accessible at the following address: www.bci-groupe.com
"User" means any person using the Site.
"The Bank" means the BANK FOR TRADE AND INDUSTRY of Guinea.
3. Purpose and content of the Site
The www.bci-groupe.com website is intended to provide information about the Bank and its products and instruments for information purposes only.
The Site is accessible H24 and 7 days a week. Access to the Site is free for the User, excluding costs billed directly by the Internet provider.
However, for reasons beyond the Bank's control, the Site may be unavailable, in particular in the event of force majeure, judicial or administrative injunction, computer or technical difficulties, telecommunications network problems, cybercriminal attacks, etc., rendering the Site inaccessible.
The Bank also has the right to interrupt or limit access to the Site in order to carry out maintenance, updates, system migration, to reinforce its security measures, in the event of suspicion, attempt or fraudulent use, or for any other legitimate reason justifying the interruption or limitation. In such cases, the Bank will, as far as possible, take the appropriate steps to inform the User in advance, before the measure takes effect.
In any event, the Bank shall not be held liable by any User for any inability to access the Site, or for any consequential damages such as, but not limited to, losses arising from transactions carried out on the basis of information contained on the Site, loss of profits, or any loss arising from an interruption of service due to an Internet connection problem.
4. Security
This Site operates via a worldwide computer network, in this case the Internet. This network is borderless, and its operation is so complex that its security cannot depend exclusively on the Bank. However, the Bank will do its utmost to equip itself with the means at its disposal to ensure optimum security on its Site.
However, the Bank in no way intends to commit itself and/or guarantee the User absolute security.
By consulting the Site, the User accepts unreservedly that he/she does so at his/her own risk, and agrees not to sue the Bank for any reason relating to the failure or weakness of the security system.
The User undertakes to take all necessary measures to navigate safely on the Site in order to protect his or her data, equipment and connection materials from all risks associated with the use of the Internet through the Site.
5. Liability
The Site is intended purely for information purposes, and access to and use of the Site by the User must be limited exclusively to this purpose, in strict compliance with the provisions laid down by the Bank in its General Terms and Conditions of Use.
Use of the Site is not backed by or subject to any guarantee from the Bank.
The information contained on the Site does not constitute, and cannot replace, advice or assistance given by the Bank's employees in a specific context. If the User subscribes to a banking or financial product solely on the basis of the information contained on the Site, he/she will no longer be able to take legal action against the Bank on the grounds of a defect, insufficiency or withholding of information.
The transaction simulations and any other data or information contained in the Site are purely and simply indicative and in no way constitute an offer of a product marketed by the Bank.
The Bank gives no guarantee to the User as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on the Site, it being understood that the banking market and the products marketed are characterized by perpetual and rapid change.
Consequently, the Bank accepts no responsibility for the use or interpretation that the User may make of the information contained on the Site, nor for the consequences thereof.
The Bank intends to do everything in its power to satisfy requests made by the User of the Site and to respond to the User's requests within a reasonable time. However, the Bank cannot be held liable for the Site's total or partial unavailability, for a failure to respond or for a late response.
The Bank may not be held liable for any reason whatsoever relating to the failure or breach of the Site's IT security in the event of damage to the User's equipment or connection devices, or to his/her data.
The Bank shall not be held liable for any breach of the General Terms and Conditions of Use by any User, nor for any indirect damage arising from the use of its Site.
Nor can the Bank be held liable on the basis of the installation of cookies on the device enabling the User to access the Site, it being understood that installation is subject to the User's authorization.
The Bank is not liable for any dispute relating to the collection, processing or transmission of the User's personal data, provided that the Bank has duly and regularly obtained the necessary authorizations and clearances.
Where the Bank is the subject of legal proceedings as a result of the User's use of the Service not complying with the provisions of the GTUs, the Bank may, in order to defend its interests, call the User into question or bring him/her into the proceedings by any means permitted by law. In such a case, the User will bear all costs relating to the dispute, including the costs of proceedings, any pecuniary judgments and lawyers' fees, without prejudice to the Bank's right to take any legal action against the User.
The Bank reserves the right to take all necessary measures to prevent or put an end to any act or fact that infringes, or tends to infringe, the copyrights held by it or its partners and/or suppliers, without being held liable.