Terms and conditions of use of the BCI Mauritania website
This website is the exclusive property of BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE et l'industrie-Mauritanie, Société Anonyme with a Board of Directors, with a share capital of one billion ouguiya (1,000,000,000 MRU), registered on the BEF list under number LBM8 at the Registre du Commerce RC 1412 : Numéro d'identification fiscale 31000182, having its registered office :57, Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser BP :5050 - Nouakchott-Mauritanie
Tel : +222 45 29 28 76. Email : info@bci-banque.com
BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE ET L'INDUSTRIE de Mauritanie holds authorization No. 850502904 issued by the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data.
BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE ET L'INDUSTRIE de Mauritanie reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use in whole or in part at any time without notice. The information provided does not claim to be exhaustive and may under no circumstances be considered as a contractual offer of products or services.
Banque pour le Commerce et l'Industrie declines all responsibility for any omissions, errors and/or manipulations fraudulently generated by third parties.
General Terms and Conditions for Mobile Banking "Bcip@y
Article 1. Preamble
Banque Pour Le Commerce et l'Industrie (BCI) is a public limited company with a capital of 1000 000 000 Ouguiyas-Head office, 57 AVENUE GAMAL ABDEL ANSSER - Nouakchott Mauritania. It provides its customers with the mobile banking product called "BCIP@Y", which is the subject of these General Terms and Conditions.
Article 2. Definitions
"The Bank" means Banque Pour Le Commerce Et L'Industrie. "General Terms and Conditions" means this document. Customer" refers to any person holding a bank account with Banque Pour Le Commerce Et L'Industrie who has subscribed to the Bank's mobile service. "Service": refers to the BCI mobile service "BCIP@Y". "BCIP@Y" is Banque Pour Le Commerce Et L'Industrie's mobile banking solution which enables remote account opening and the performance of a range of banking operations. "Single Use Code" OTP: refers to an authenticator that meets the security criteria established by Banque Pour Le Commerce Et L'Industrie and is intended to secure the operation for which it was generated. This code can only be used once. "Access code": refers to both the identifier and the password, as well as any other code or key that meets the security criteria established by Banque Pour Le Commerce Et L'Industrie. Its purpose is to identify and authenticate the user for the purposes of accessing his/her personal space.
Article 3. Subject
The purpose of the present General Conditions is to define the conditions of use and access to the BCIP@Y product, in accordance with the provisions of the
regulations in force.
Article 4. Connection terms
The Customer may only benefit from the services offered subject to acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions and validation of his personal telephone number and National Identification Number (NNI), which enable him to be identified in accordance with current legislation. Access to the Service requires prior acceptance by the Customer of the present General Terms and Conditions of Use, as well as any changes thereto. An Account is opened with Banque Pour Le Commerce Et L'Industrie upon acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. The Bank reserves the right to modify, at any time, its application according to the evolution of the technology and the regulations in force. In the same way as it reserves the right to close any account whose operation is not in conformity with the regulations or which presents a risk of reputation for the bank, the Customer declares to have taken knowledge on behalf of Banque Pour Le commerce Et L'industrie all the information necessary as for the services proposed and accepts without reserve the present General Conditions. The Bank cannot be held responsible for the impossibility of accessing the service.
Access to the Service is also linked to acceptance of the Know Your Customer (KYC) file: Customers who have opened their accounts remotely cannot carry out the transactions offered as part of the "BCIP@Y" Service. In order to access all "BCIP@Y" services, customers who have opened their accounts remotely must go to one of the Bank's branches or to one of its agents to identify themselves, show proof of identity, provide some of the information required by current regulations and sign an account opening agreement. The Bank reserves the right to modify the limits defined for the Service at any time.
Article 5. Operation
The account must have a minimum credit balance of 1,000, enabling withdrawals, payments and transfers (including charges) within the limit of the available
balance. In accordance with current regulations, the Bank keeps accounting documents relating to transactions recorded on the account for a period of 10 years. The Service is linked to a unique telephone number and device, identified when the account is opened. Changing the telephone number requires access to the initial telephone number, to which a confirmation code will be sent by sms.
Article 6. Opposability
The present General Terms and Conditions are binding on the Customer as soon as they have been accepted by electronic validation via the mobile application. The Bank reserves the right to make any modifications to the present General Terms and Conditions that it deems necessary and/or useful. It also reserves the right to modify all or part of the document in order to adapt it, in particular, to changes in its operations, and/or to changes in
legislation and/or to changes in the services offered. The present General Terms and Conditions apply for the entire duration of use of the product, and until such time as new General Terms and Conditions of Use replace the present ones. The Bank will inform the customer of the new General Terms and Conditions by any means, as soon as they come into force. The General Terms and Conditions appearing online at www.bci-banque.com take precedence over any printed version of an earlier date.
Article 7.
The customer's account may be blocked by means of a garnishment or sequestration order notified to the Bank by a bailiff's writ, or by means of a notice sent to
by the French Treasury (ATD) in the case of tax debts. In such cases, the Bank will inform the customer to enable him/her to contest the seizure or ATD measure and possibly obtain a release. In the absence of a release served on the Bank within 8 days of notification of the seizure or ATD, the Bank is obliged to comply with the provisions of the seizure and/or ATD.
Article 8. Fight against money laundering
The customer acknowledges that he/she has been informed that, due to the specific criminal provisions concerning the laundering of money derived from drug trafficking or
the laundering of the proceeds of any crime or misdemeanour, the Bank may request information relating to the objectives and conditions of any
transaction which it considers unusual, in particular due to its amount and methods or its exceptional nature. The Bank is authorized to report suspicious transactions to the competent authorities.
Article 9 Operations
Subscription to the Mobile Service enables customers to:
- Use their "BCIP@Y" account to carry out banking transactions to Banque pour le Commerce et l'Industrie accounts and
accounts of other banks in Mauritania.
- Make funds available to beneficiaries at the Bank's branches and its network of agents.
- Make cash withdrawals at the Bank's branches and its network of agents.
- Make cash deposits into the account opened at the Bank at the Bank's branches and its network of agents.
- Pay supplier invoices (SNDE/SOMELEC) and others.
- Buy telephone top-ups.
- Check account balance at Banque BCI.
- Obtain a bank statement showing recent transactions.
Article 10. Good faith
The parties agree to perform their obligations in good faith.
Article 11. Responsibilities
No operation can be carried out on the application without logging in with the customer's identifier and password, and then after validation of this operation by re-entering the same password as confirmation.
Identifiers, passwords and One-Time Use Codes and, in general, all other Access Codes are strictly personal and confidential. The customer is solely responsible for the preservation and confidentiality of his login, access code and one-time use code and, consequently, for the consequences of their voluntary or involuntary disclosure to any third party.
The customer is solely responsible for any operation carried out from his personal space, using his login, password or one-time use code
. Any use of the personal space and, consequently, any operation carried out from this space, by using the identifier, password or single-use code allocated to the customer, is presumed to be carried out by the latter and under his sole responsibility. . The Customer assumes, alone,
full responsibility for any errors in handling or disclosure of his/her passwords and codes to third parties, and declares that he/she expressly releases the Bank from any liability in this respect.
The Customer is obliged to notify the Bank without delay of any compromise of the confidentiality of his/her login and/or password, or of any
use of his/her confidential data by a third party of which he/she is aware.
The Bank reserves the right to suspend access to the BCIP@Y Service requiring the Customer's identification if it detects facts suggesting fraudulent use or attempted fraudulent use of its services, or if the Customer has provided inaccurate information concerning his identity. The Bank will immediately inform the Customer by any means it deems appropriate, which the Customer expressly accepts.
The Customer is also responsible for the information he/she provides to the Bank remotely. The Bank reserves the right to initiate legal proceedings against the Customer in the event that the latter provides false declarations for access to its services.
Article 12. Intellectual property rights
The present General Terms and Conditions do not imply any transfer of intellectual property rights of any kind to the Customer in respect of elements belonging to La Banque.
Consequently, the Customer undertakes not to take any action or perform any act likely to infringe, directly or indirectly, the intellectual property rights of La
Article 13. Security
Any fraudulent access to the application is prohibited and punishable by law.
The Customer agrees to take all appropriate measures to
protect his telephone from contamination by any viruses.
Article 14. Termination
In the event of failure to comply with the obligations herein, closure of the Customer's account, fraudulent use and irregular operation of the service due to the Customer's
maneuvers, without this list being exhaustive, the Bank may terminate the Service ipso jure and without notice.
Furthermore, the Customer may terminate the present contract at any time. The Bank will have the right to exercise a right of retention on the credit balance of the
closed account of all amounts owed by the Customer in respect of the use of the Service or other Bank products or services.
Finally, the Bank reserves the right to terminate, without notice, any account with a zero balance and on which no transaction has been carried out for more than 3 months.
In the event of unsubscribing from the Service, the Bank reserves the right to close the associated bank account. The account must be closed
at one of the Bank's branches, after deduction of the fees described above.
Death of the customer
As soon as the Bank is notified by an official document of the death of the Customer, the account is blocked and no transaction initiated after the death
may be carried out on the account until justification has been provided by the heirs of the deceased or instructions have been given by the Judge in charge of the estate.
Article15. Completeness
The contractual terms express the entirety of the parties' obligations.
Article 16. Evidence Agreement
Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions by electronic means has, between the parties, the same probative value as an agreement on paper.
Computerized registers kept in systems considered as proof of communications between the parties.
Article 17. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
The present contract is governed by Mauritanian law.
Any dispute concerning the interpretation or execution of the present contract will be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Nouakchott.