BCI Mauritania legal notice
1. Preamble
1.1. Presentation of the website owner
This website is the exclusive property of BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE & l'industrie de Mauritanie, Société Anonyme with a Board of Directors, with a share capital of 1 billion ( MRU), Head Office: 57, Avenue Gamal Abdel Nasser - BP 5050 Nouakchott - Mauritania.
Email : infomr@bci-banque.com
THE BANK FOR TRADE AND INDUSTRY of Mauritania is the holder of authorization N°850502904 issued by the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data.
1.2 Reserves for use
BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE ET L'INDUSTRIE de Mauritanie reserves the right to modify these General Terms and Conditions of Use in whole or in part at any time, without prior notice, in order to adapt them to technological and regulatory developments or to market realities.
The BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE ET L'INDUSTRIE de Mauritanie, as an approved credit institution, is thus authorized to carry out all banking operations.
You have the right to access, rectify and object to your personal data in accordance with applicable regulations.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
BANQUE POUR LE COMMERCE ET L'INDUSTRIE de Mauritanie and GROUPE BCI are the sole and exclusive owners of the intellectual property rights of the Site and its content. By way of enumeration and not exhaustively, these rights relate to the Site, trademarks, patents, drawings, models, texts, photos, images, plans, sketches, works, illustrations, databases, computer programs, domain names, search engines.
These GCU do not confer on the User any right of ownership over the Site or its content, nor do they constitute a grant of any kind of right of ownership to the User.
The User is prohibited from plagiarizing, modifying, copying, reproducing, disseminating, publishing, sharing, distributing for commercial or personal purposes, in whole or in part, any component or element of the Site that is the property of the Bank or its partners, by any means or channel whatsoever.
Any User, and in general any person, who uses the Bank's property rights without prior written authorization, may be subject to legal proceedings under international, European and national provisions governing the matter.
However, the Bank allows the User to use the content of the Site for purely, strictly private and personal purposes; de facto excluding any collective or public use with or without the use of a means of distribution or publication via the Internet or any other channel.
3. Cookies
Cookies are a type of text file installed on a browser or on a device belonging to the User of the Site. Cookies make it possible to temporarily store information relating to the User's visit to the Site, with the aim of assessing the level of security (and possibly improving it) and making navigation easier and/or optimizing it for future visits.
Cookies also enable the Bank to analyze the information gathered following visits to the Site by the User, for the sole purpose of evaluating and refining its communication and/or marketing strategy.
However, cookies do not collect or store any personal information about the User.
Having read and understood the General Terms and Conditions of Use, the User accepts them. By continuing to browse the Site, the User expressly authorizes the Bank, without reservation, to install Cookies on his/her browser and device for the purposes indicated above.
4. Hypertext link
A hypertext link, better known as a "link", enables the User to click on it to go to another web page. The User may thus leave the Site and be directed directly to a page for which the Bank is not responsible.
These hypertext links go beyond the perimeters and boundaries of the Bank. The Bank cannot therefore guarantee the security of these websites, nor can it control or monitor their content.
Consequently, the Bank cannot be held liable for the illicit or false nature of the content of these sites, nor for their unavailability or inaccessibility.
The presence of hypertext links on the Site in no way implies that the bank validates or recommends the referring sites, still less their content. The hypertext links contained in the Site are for information purposes only. It is the User's responsibility to use the information contained in the hypertext links.
Any hypertext link contained in another website referring to the Site is subject to the Bank's prior authorization, duly recorded in writing.
5. Personal data
The Bank informs the User that it intends to collect, process and transfer personal data in strict compliance with Law No. 2008-12 dated July 25, 2008 on the protection of personal data.
The Bank undertakes to use all means at its disposal to ensure the confidentiality and security of personal data collected from the User. The Bank undertakes not to disclose personal data, unless required to do so by law or regulation.
In order to meet the requirements of the aforementioned law, the Bank informs the User that :
- The Bank is responsible for processing the data collected and is represented by Mr or Mrs ..................................... ;
- The data collected by the Bank is intended for ................................... or any other related activity;
- The data collected on the Site relates to .............................................................................. ;
- The data collected may be shared, transmitted or communicated to parent companies or subsidiaries linked to the Bank, to its partners, service providers, suppliers, etc;
- His answer on the questions which are addressed to him on the site is obligatory/optional;
- The consequences of failing to respond will be ......................................................................................................;
- They may request to be removed from the Site's database;
- You have the right to access and correct your personal data;
- The data will be kept by the Bank, unless otherwise provided by regulation, for a period not exceeding the purposes for which they were collected;
- In the case of data transfers to foreign countries, the Bank will require the satisfaction of preconditions in accordance with the provisions of article 50 of the aforementioned law, without prejudice to the Bank's obligation to keep the Personal Data Commission informed;
The User undertakes to provide the Bank with sincere and authentic information and to inform it of any new changes. If the information collected violates the provisions below, the Bank may limit, suspend or prohibit the User's access to the Site, either permanently or temporarily.
6. User rights
The Bank reminds the User that, in accordance with Law No. 2008-12 of July 25, 2008 on the protection of personal data, he/she has the right to information, access and opposition, rectification and deletion of data collected on him/her by the Bank.
7. Warning
The User is solely responsible for the risks associated with handling and using his or her connection device while browsing the Site.
The User is therefore strongly advised to take all appropriate measures to preserve the confidentiality of his/her requests, and to use a device equipped with security software to protect his/her data and avoid any malicious threat from a third party or from him/her.
8. Force majeure
The Bank cannot be held liable in the event of force majeure. For the purposes of these GCU, force majeure includes, without prejudice to its legal definition, any interruption, failure or malfunction of the Internet or the Internet provider, which may prevent the User from accessing the Site or its services.
9. Scope of titles
In the event that the headings contained in these General Terms and Conditions of Use should prove to be contradictory or ambiguous with regard to the rights and obligations they encompass, they shall be deemed non-existent, thus leaving the clauses duly agreed between the parties.
10. Autonomy clause
If any provision of this Agreement is declared null and void or modified by a final and binding court decision, such nullity or modification shall not affect the other provisions of the Agreement.
Accordingly, the Parties will endeavor in good faith to adapt the conditions of performance.